Rachel Gibbs

Rachel Gibbs

Mail: rkindergan@dsar.org
Rachel Kindergan Gibbs grew up on the East Coast, and resided in Central Virginia before moving to Southwest Virginia in 2012. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology from Old Dominion University. She is the Mother of two amazing sons who are her inspiration and joy. Her oldest has a diagnosis of Autism and her youngest has a diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Rachel began attending events with the DSAR after receiving her sons prenatal diagnosis, and was elected to the Board of Directors in the Fall of 2023. She has been actively involved in the monthly support group, and the planning of various organization events over the years. She loves spending time with her children and creating new memories with them. In her spare time, Rachel enjoys an array of creative arts such as painting, crafting, and making jewelry. After spending 20 years under the career umbrella of Criminal Justice, she is actively pursuing a career in education and aspires to become a Special Education Teacher.